Here's how you draw: عصفور حلو
Step 1: Start with Basic Shapes
Draw an oval shape for the bird’s body and a small circle above it for the head.
Draw a small triangle on the head circle for the beak.
Add a single line from the beak for a smile.
Add two small circles on the head circle for the eyes.
Step 2: Draw the Wings
On each side of the body oval, draw large leaf-like shapes for the wings, slightly curved upward.
Add lines inside the wing shapes for feathers.
Step 3: Add Tail and Feet
At the back of the body oval, draw a few simple pointed shapes for tail feathers.
Add two thin rectangles extended down from the body for the legs.
Draw small circles at the end of each leg to create feet.
Step 4: Detail the Bird
Refine the wing shapes by adding more feather lines.
Draw curved lines on the body, head, and tail for more texture.
Darken the small circles in the eyes for pupils and add a tiny white circle highlight to make them sparkle.
Step 5: Add Color and Final Touch
Fill the bird’s body with soft colors like yellow or blue, leaving the beak and feet orange.
Add shading or shadows under the wings and tail for depth.
Add a light blush on the cheeks by drawing small circles.