Here's how you draw: a tree
Step 1: Outline Basic Shapes - Start by drawing a vertical rectangle for the trunk of the tree. On top of the trunk, draw a large, uneven oval to represent the main foliage of the tree.
Step 2: Add Branches and Roots - Inside the oval, draw two or three Y-shape lines to show branches. At the bottom of the trunk, add short lines extending from the sides to depict roots.
Step 3: Shape the Foliage - Sketch wavy, cloud-like edges around the oval to give the tree's foliage a more natural and fluffy look.
Step 4: Add Texture to the Trunk - Draw vertical lines along the trunk to show bark texture. Make some of the lines wavy to resemble the roughness of tree bark.
Step 5: Final Touches - Add some leaf texture by drawing small lines and circles within the foliage. Shade the underside of the foliage lightly to give it depth.