Here's how you draw: book
Step 1: Draw the Cover and Spine
Begin by drawing a large vertical rectangle. Add a vertical line slightly inside from the right edge to create the book cover and spine.
Step 2: Add Pages
Inside the rectangle, draw two parallel horizontal lines evenly spaced above the bottom to represent the pages, leaving room at the top for the cover. Extend short vertical lines downward from between these lines to form page divisions.
Step 3: Detail the Cover
Add a line slightly away from the left edge of the rectangle to represent the inside flap of the cover. Draw a rectangle near the top center of the front cover for the book’s title.
Step 4: Add Textures and Features
Inside the title rectangle, add squiggly lines to suggest title text. Draw narrow, horizontal lines across the spine to add texture.
Step 5: Final Touches
Shade the front cover lightly to add depth and draw diagonal lines to show light reflections on the surface. Darken the pages slightly for definition and draw shadows underneath to make the book appear as if it's resting on a surface.