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Here's how you draw: minecraft

Step 1: Basic Shapes and Blocks
Character Body Outline: Start by drawing a large square for the body.
Character Head: Sketch a smaller square on top of the body square for the head.
Arms: Draw two rectangular shapes on either side of the body.
Legs: Draw two rectangles extending from the bottom of the body square for legs.
Environment Block: Draw a cube shape next to the character to represent a Minecraft world block.

Step 2: Add Facial Features and Clothing
Face Details: Within the head square, draw two small squares for the eyes, a line for the mouth, and a small rectangle for the nose.
T-Shirt Design: Draw two lines across the top part of the body square to create a T-shirt shape.

Step 3: Define the Character and Block Details
Arm and Leg Segments: Add lines to segment both arms and legs, creating the impression of joints.
Block Texture: Draw grid-like patterns on the face of the cube to show texture typical of Minecraft blocks.

Step 4: Add Color and Dimension
Character: Lightly shade the arms, legs, and face to give them more depth.
Block: Shade one side of the block darker to create a sense of 3D dimension.

Step 5: Final Touches
Highlights: Add small highlights on the character's eyes to make them look lively.
Extra Textures: Add additional texture on the character's clothes by drawing small square patterns.
Background: Add minimal grass or sky elements to suggest a Minecraft setting.

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