In a cozy corner of Sunny Meadows, there lived a rabbit named Rosie with the fluffiest white tail. Rosie had a dream to share her love for baking with everyone. One bright morning, she finally opened her very own cupcake shop, "Rosie's Rainbow Cupcakes."
Rosie's shop was painted in pastel hues and smelled like vanilla and strawberries. Each cupcake was a little piece of magic, with swirls of icing like a unicorn's mane. Her specialties were carrot cake cupcakes with cream cheese frosting and sprinkle-topped chocolate dream cupcakes.
Animals from all over the meadow queued up to taste Rosie's delicious creations. The squirrels loved the nutty almond crunch cupcakes, while the birds tweeted about the heavenly blueberry sky cupcakes.
As the sun started to set, Rosie noticed that her last batch of honey lemon cupcakes had a special glow. She wondered what made them shine so brightly.
What do you think makes Rosie's honey lemon cupcakes glow, and who might visit the shop to try one?
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