Underwater Friends: Bingo's Adventure with Tentacles
Bingo, the caramel-colored puppy, and Tarantulas, his bright blue tarantula friend, were playing with their new buddy Jemma the jellyfish when they met a sad octopus named Tentacles.
“Why are you sad?” asked Bingo.
“I can’t find my friends Teeth and Tails,” sniffled Tentacles.
“We’ll help you!” said Bingo with a wagging tail.
As they searched the ocean, Tarantulas used his many eyes to spot Teeth, a shy crab, hiding under a rock. Then, Jemma's glow revealed Tails, a slippery eel, hidden in the kelp.
Tentacles hugged his friends happily. What new adventure will Bingo and his friends go on next?