In a cozy forest clearing, a friendly turkey named Tilly stumbled upon a cabin filled with laughter and warmth. Inside, a family was preparing a feast and Tilly peeked in, curious. The family saw Tilly and, instead of shooing her away, they opened their door wide. "Come join us!" they said, offering a place at their table.
Instead of being the feast, Tilly became the guest of honor, gobbling down corn and berries. The children giggled, making tiny hats for her feathers and sharing stories. Tilly felt joy in her heart, for she had found friendship and kindness.
As the night grew darker and the little ones yawned, Tilly knew it was time to return to the forest. But the family promised to meet her again, for a picnic in the meadow with more treats and tales.
Under the twinkling stars, Tilly snuggled in her nest, dreaming of her next adventure. How do you think Tilly will prepare for the upcoming picnic with her new friends?