In a cozy jungle village, an elephant stumbled into a house. His little heart was thumping wildly; he couldn't find his mother anywhere. Big tears pooled in his gentle eyes as he looked around the room filled with colorful cushions and toys.
Suddenly, a kind voice asked, "Why so sad, little elephant?" It was a friendly mouse, wearing a tiny apron, who'd been sweeping the floor.
"I can't find my mum," the elephant sniffled, his trunk hanging low.
"Don't worry," squeaked the mouse, patting his foot. "We'll find her together!"
So, they searched high and low, under the beds and over the chairs. Along came curious friends: a parrot, a monkey, and even a shy turtle. They became a searching team, chanting, "We will find her!"
Just when the sun was setting, they heard a soft trumpet. It was his mother calling!
The little elephant trumpeted back with joy. There she was, by the watering hole, safe and sound.
What exciting plan do you think the friends will come up with to prevent the little elephant from getting lost again?