In the magical town of Lavender Falls, every year, the Jacaranda trees did something spectacular — they rained purple snow! This wasn’t cold or wet snow, but a shower of soft, sweet-smelling purple blossoms that gently floated down upon the giggling children below.
Mia and her brother, Theo, eagerly awaited this season. They had a yearly tradition; every Jacaranda snowfall, they would gather the fallen blossoms and create beautiful artwork. They made crowns and necklaces, and even drew purple landscapes on the sidewalks.
On one special day, as the purple flakes twirled around them under the soft glow of the setting sun, an idea struck Mia. “What if we make a giant purple snowman?” she excitedly proposed.
Theo’s eyes lit up at the idea. They worked together, carefully stacking the delicate blossoms to form a plump base, a round middle, and a small head. They added tiny twigs for the arms and a shiny leaf for the hat.
Their masterpiece complete, Theo puzzled, “Do you think our Jacaranda snowman will come to life like in the fairy tales?”
What do you think might happen if the Jacaranda snowman came to life? What adventures could they have together?